Preparation for Licensure- Proctored Pharmacology ATI Assessment

Now that I have taken the ATI proctored assessment, I can reflect back on it to determine what went well and what I should change for the next assessment. One thing I really focused on for this assessment was to not second guess my answer. Each time I read a question, I gave myself enough time to think through each answer and then whatever I chose, I went with. This type of exam that you can’t go back on is beneficial in that way. I am restricted from going back and changing my answers when I go back to check them, which tends to be what I do on other exams. I also tried to restrict myself from going back and forth between answers and just clicking onto the next. This is something that I would like to continue trying as I have identified second guessing as an issue and on exams that I can look back on, I see the answer I originally gave as the correct one but I second guessed it and chose another. 

Something I feel like happens with most exams is getting distracted by others. When people start to get up and leave, I find myself looking up which disrupts my focus. I thought about next time I could sit in the front of the classroom, that way I would not see anyone getting up in front of me from the corner of my eye. I could also try using earplugs to block all sound which may help me be able to focus better on what I am reading and my thought process. I feel that my original SMART goal has kept me accountable and has helped me be able to better narrow down options as well as remind me of things we learned over the past few years. I think this is very beneficial and I am happy I set a realistic goal because it has been doable. 

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