Preparation for Licensure- Pharmacology Practice B ATI

After I completed the Pharmacology ATI practice B 60 question assessment, I had the opportunity to assess my results and get rationale as to why I got the answers wrong. There were things I did well and things I will want to change for next assessment whether that be a practice one or proctored one. I made sure again to take this exam honestly as the goal of it is to prepare us for the NCLEX exam and not doing so would only leave us in a worse off position when it comes to NCLEX and how well we perform on that assessment. I feel like during this assessment, although I allotted myself plenty of time to take it, I noticed myself becoming distracted. Mostly thinking about other homework assignments I had to do or other school/ work related stressors. I am hoping for the NCLEX, I will not be stressed with any school stuff since it will be over by then so I can put full focus on the exam. 

One thing I like to look at for each practice exam is the amount of time it took me to determine if I am rushing through it or taking too long which could indicate distraction or second guessing and debating the two options for too long. For this particular exam, I spent an hour and 13 minutes which puts me at about one minute and twenty seconds per question. This is closer to how long I normally spend per question compared to the Pharmacology practice A exam. I feel like I give myself plenty of time to fully read the questions and a lot of the time, I find myself having to read them twice to fully comprehend it and what they are looking for. In terms of my SMART goal, I will continue to take practice questions as I strongly believe this helps. By taking questions over and over, not only am I familiarizing myself with information of all topics but also practicing test taking skills, how to narrow options down, and to not second guess my answers. 

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