Proposing Change

After working through our project proposal and receiving feedback, we realized we needed to change our route of the project slightly. We decided to direct our project more on educating nurses about factors that cause prolonged patient stays rather than focusing on decreasing patient stays directly. Although we do hope that by providing this education, light will be shed on the topic and those will have more knowledge to hopefully try to do their part in decreasing unnecessary prolonged stays. As a soon to be nurse, I will take the information we have learned on the prevalence of this issue and use that to guide my care. 

Some bumps in the road we encountered were making our goal achievable but as I mentioned above, we reworked it and were able to generate a new, more achievable goal. We then met with our clinical instructor and produced a list of questions we wanted to ask the nurses on our floor. Our next week at clinical, we spent some time recording the podcast and carrying out the interviews. Our final step will be to put the clips together, make any revisions and upload it to YouTube.  

We successfully carried out the interviews and got a lot of good feedback and information from the nurses. We also did a good job at making edits and will wait to get some feedback on it. We wrote out an introduction and conclusion and had one of the members record it. We wanted to provide some background on unnecessary prolonged stays and the information we found in the articles. Then we made sure to conclude it by sharing our goal of raising awareness on factors that cause unnecessary prolonged stays and thank them for listening and the nurses who participated.  

Below I have attached a link to our final project proposal which will provide background information on unnecessary prolonged stays, our project aim and how we will disseminate our project.

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