Preparation for Licensure- Pharmacology Practice A ATI

After I completed the Pharmacology ATI 60 question assessment, I had the opportunity to assess my results and go further in depth on why I got the answers wrong. There were things I did well and things I will want to change for next assessment whether that be a practice one or proctored one. I took this exam in a quiet environment, put my phone away since this could be a distraction, and made sure I took it when I had more than enough time to complete the 60 questions. I always think it is important to take these exams honestly because it is only used to help us in the end when taking the NCLEX and to not take it honestly would just hurt us in the end because we wouldn’t be prepared or have the same knowledge. 

I spent about 58 minutes on the exam which is a little under one minute per question. This is faster than I normally take the questions so I definitely think I should slow down a little so I do not miss things as I am reading. On the other hand I came up with a hypothesis that maybe the reason I took less time on each question was because I did not second guess myself as much as I usually do. I definitely know that this affects my grades a lot on exams because everytime I review exam’s, the ones I got wrong were one that I flagged, was debating between two and chose the wrong one. This is something that I plan to continue to work on. I feel like by keeping up with practicing questions daily as my SMART goal will help me to work on this and get more confident in my first choice.

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