Preparation for Licensure- Medical Surgical ATI Assessment

 I just completed the ATI Medical Surgical Adaptive quiz and as I reflect on my results, I have thought of a few things that went well and other things I could work on. I feel that I did a good job at taking enough time on each question. I was not worried about spending too much time on each question but I definitely feel like for the majority of questions, I did not rush through. In fact, my average time for responses was one minute and 59 seconds. This is right around the average and I feel like it could have been swayed due to the questions when I was getting distracted and taking longer to answer. 

One thing I will change for the next adaptive quiz is my environment. Although for most of it, it was a quiet environment, I still had my phone nearby. I also feel that I should give myself a set break after an hour or so. I felt like as I was taking this one, I would get distracted or bored and then I was not putting in 100% effort. Therefore, a set break would allow me to take my mind off of it for maybe 15 minutes and then go back. When looking at the SMART goal I came up with, I feel that not only taking that time to practice these NCLEX style questions, but also incorporating the things I learned here (quiet environment with no distractions and giving myself  a break) will prepare me well for the NCLEX exam. 

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